Shipping & Delivery

1. How much does shipping cost and how long does it take?
Shipping is free on all orders!

Delivery depends on your location and which product(s) you purchase, but we ask to allow 7-14 business days. We ship our products directly from our Asia warehouse to give you the best price. (We work hard to speed up our shipping times, and often your package will arrive sooner than the estimated delivery time.)

2. How does the 30-day return policy work? 

On the off chance, that your pup doesn't like it or you would like to exchange your order, please email our support team and they will be able to provide you with all the instructions you need to complete your return.

Click here to view our return policy.

3. Can I cancel or change my order? 
Sure, as long as our fulfillment team hasn't already shipped your order. If they have please allow for the bed to be delivered and leave it unopened so we can provide you with a return shipping label.

4. What if I put the wrong shipping address? 
If the order has not been shipped yet email us right away with "URGENT order edit" in the subject line. Our support team will make any adjustments, if your order has already been shipped, we will work with you and the courier to have it redirected where possible.
5. How do I exchange or return my bed? 
Email us at and we will organize a return shipping label for you.
6. My package went missing. What should I do? 
Email us at and we will look into it for you.
7. My tracking says "No information available at the moment".

For some couriers, it takes 2-5 business days for the tracking information to update on the system. If your order was placed more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.